I worked on a similar problem. I have not made a component (yet) But
this is what I did.
First on the controller I checked if the session data for my invoice
header data was stored.
I am new at cake.
if (!$this->Session->check('documentoventa'))
                                $sucursal = $this->Session->read('Sucursal');
                                $usuario = $this->Session->read('User');
                                $Documentoventa['fecha'] = 
                                $Documentoventa['numero_documento'] =
                                $Documentoventa['tipodocumentoventa_id'] = 1;
                                $Documentoventa['bodega_id'] = 
                                $Documentoventa['cajero_id'] = $usuario['id'];
                        $this->set('data', $this->Session->read('Transaccion'));
Then when I want to save de products I did this.

if (!empty($this->params['data'])){
                if (!$this->Session->check('Transaccion')){
                        $this->Session->write( 'Transaccion\'][\'0' ,
                        $this->Session->write('numero_transaccion', 0);
                        $numero_transaccion = 
,  $this->params['data']['Transaccion']);
                        $this->set('data', $this->Session->read('Transaccion'));
                $this->render('fact_detalle', 'ajax');

Again I am new at cake and most probably you could optimize this code.
I bases my selft loosely on the example in the wiki.
Hope that helps. Let me know what you did I apreciate it.

On 6/10/06, brandags <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to make a simple shopping cart - just basically a way to
> store product id's in the session, and maybe a function that calls a
> view to display the cart.
> Should I be doing this as a regular controller, or should I make a
> component for it? Either way, how can I make the cart (as well as the
> displayCart() function, etc.) persist in the session?  What is the best
> way to do this?
> Thank you,
> Brandon
> >

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