Here's how I solved the problem:


class TestController extends AppController
        var $uses = array();
        var $layout = 'test';
        var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript');
        var $components = array('Json');

        function index()

        function getText()
                $this->set('text', $this->Json->encode(array('text' => 'Hello
                $this->render('json', 'ajax');


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="";>
                <?php print $html->charsetTag('UTF-8') ?>
                <?php print $javascript->link('prototype') ?>

                <?php echo $content_for_layout ?>

<p>The text below is retrieved asynchronously from the server:</p>
<div id="sometext"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
        // <![CDATA[

        new Ajax.Request('<?php echo $html->url('/test/getText'); ?>',

        function displayText(response, json)
                document.getElementById('sometext').innerHTML = json.text;

        // ]]>

<?php header("X-JSON: $text"); ?>

I'm using the JsonComponent I just added to snippets:

To use JsonComponent you also need the JSON-PHP library JSON.php in
your /vendors directory.

So basically in client-side javascript an Ajax.Request calls the
getText action in TestController, which creates a PHP array of some
text and uses the JsonComponent to encode it in JSON format.  That
action then renders a json view that just sends a X-JSON header with
the JSON text.  Then back on the client-side, the onSuccess handler
gets a 2nd argument that Prototype magically sticks the JSON data in.
You can then use that json object to display the data you got from the

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