I really like the idea of custom validation error messages. For
example, for a password field you could check that the password was
entered the same way twice, contains at least two numbers, no illegal
characters, etc., and give a different error message for each.

I think that validation should live in the model, so error messages
should as well. Thus, I put together a quick proof of concept using
beforeValidate(). Comments/critiques appreciated.

First, in the model, define a beforeValidate function:

function beforeValidate()
   $this->valMessages = array() ;
   $this->valMessages['modelValidationErrors'] = array(
      'username' => 'This username is already taken. Please choose
another' ) ;
   return false ;

Then, in app_controller, the following function:

function validatingSave( &$model )
   if ( $model->save( $this->data ) ) return true ;

   $this->Session->setFlash( '<p class="error">Sorry, but we cannot
process your form. Please make the changes indicated below, and try
again.</p>', '' );
   $this->data += $model->valMessages ;
   return false ;

Next, in the controller's edit function, change the save line to this:

if ( $this->validatingSave( $this->Attachment ) )
        $this->Session->setFlash( '<p class="success">Your profile has been
updated.</p>', '' );
        $this->redirect( "/users" );

Now in your ErrorHelper, you should have access to
If it's set and the field is set, you can show the custom error message
for that field, or if not, the fallback validation error message from

Does this sound like a good direction to take my validation? Thanks for
any feedback.

Ryan Ginstrom

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