This may help too - I sort of accidentally stumbled on to this method
while I was working on a project with this thread in mind:


class User extends AppModel
        var $name = 'User';

        function bindComment ($conditions = null, $order = 'created DESC',
$limit = null, $page = '1')
                        'hasMany' => array(
                                'Comment' => array(
                                        'className' => 'Comment',
                                        'conditions' => $conditions,
                                        'order' => $order,
                                        'limit' => $limit,
                                        'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
                                        'dependent' => true,
                                        'exclusive' => false,
                                        'finderSql' => '',
                                        'counterSql' => ''

        function beforeDelete()
                        // attach comment model to user so all user's comments 
get wiped on

                        return true;



Basically now, no matter where a "User" is deleted from, it will bind
the Comments model as "dependent" beforehand, and then delete all
Comments associated with the User being removed.  This way I don't
always have to have Comments bound to my User, but where I do want user
comments, I can say $User->bindComment();

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