lorenzo ha scritto:

> RosSoft ha scritto:
Just another  two things:

1)If cache file doesn't exsits cake don't parse
Infact the first time i launch the page with:

<cake:nocache>NO CACHE<?php echo time(); ?></cake:nocache>
<?php echo "<br> CACHE" . time(); ?><br>

cake view  output is: (time was 23423424234 for example :) )
<cake:nocache>NO CACHE23423424234</cake:nocache>
<br> CACHE23423424239<br>

The second time ( cache view file was created):

NO CACHE23423424999           (this time update)
<br> CACHE23423424239<br>   (this time cache correctly)

2) People MUST put in controller helper array "cache" ... If not cache
don't work

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