Since CakePHP uses convention over configuration, I strongly suggest
everybody reads this chapter on the manual, again and again, and

some examples
 ALL file names ARE lowercase                                  =

 Model names ARE singular, UpperCamelCased           = ClientPage
 Controller class names ARE plural, UpperCamelCased = ClientPagesController
 table names ARE plural, lower_cased_underscored      = client_pages
 foreign keys in the database are lowercase model_field = client_id

 again and again :)
 using these conventions *will* save you a lot of time.


On 6/14/06, brandags <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> @RoSoft - so you're saying I should make all the filenames lowercase?
> Does that mean I need to use lowercase class names as well?
> class myformComponent extends Object
> You bring up a good point. I'm running PHP5 on my Windows machine, but
> I need to tweak an .htaccess parameter to get PHP5 working on Linux. It
> must still be running under PHP4. I'll make the change and see what it
> does.


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