Are you on irc ? I have troubles to set up the p2p mode in coccinnella.

Samuel DeVore wrote:
ok if you connect to as a peer to peer server method you should have a document to play with

Sam D

On 6/17/06, Samuel DeVore < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   We could use Coccinella to do this.  I would be happy to host the file for a while and then as we come to consensus, I'll clean it up and make a pdf/page out of it.

Sam D

I'll post information on the file when I get it up and running

On 6/17/06, Olivier Percebois-Garve < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think it would be good to have such representation. It took me a long
time to see the big picture
of how cake is functioning, and there is still a lot of unclear thing.
The link of Nate is cool but I'm not sure how it help newbies: Look at
the step 3 where the controller is.
honestly you've to know cake to understand that part, to know what a
model is, what a requestaction is, ...
It seems to be a good start, but to me, A good graphic representation
would need a bit more details, and should
outline the MVC structure. It should tell what the dispatcher does with
the params,
that the model are defined in a similar manner to how we build a db
scheme (LDM).

Do you know a "online paperboard" website ? So we could tell
collectively and graphically how it should look like.


AD7six wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm looking for a graphical representation of how cake handles a
> request.
> I came across
> and
> both of which are very useful for understanding the basics, but miss
> some objects.
> Has anyone already created, or is there a page existing somewhere in
> the manual that I've yet to find, an image that describes graphically
> all of the various objects used by Cake (or any MVC for that matter)
> such that none-developers can see how things fit together, in
> particular everything to do with presentation? As you might guess I'm
> trying to explain to someone (none-technical) I'm working with
> generally how things work and which files to edit, but after repeating
> myself 2 or 3 times I think it's time for a picture.
> The difficulty seems to stem from the concept of a dispacher; the
> 'black magic' of mod_rewrite/cake pretty urls and the URL requested may
> not directly relate to what is expected (routes; using one edit.thtml
> for add & edit methods etc.).
> Any help or comments most welcome,
> Cheers,
> AD7six
> >

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