Hi! maybe you cold give me some advice on this design question:

I'm making an app wich have Items and each Item have a thumbnail image
and a big detail image. Also, items belongs to many sets and each set
have a big Image and up to 5 thumbnails. We also have categories and
each category has a small thumbnail attached. Long story make short:
our app has lots images related to each record.

Now i have the image and thumbnails file locations in a field in each
table row, but i was wondering if It's better to have an Images model
and relate it to the others model like

Items model:

        var $hasOne = array(
                        'Detail =>
                         array('className'    => 'Image')

        var $hasMany = array(
                        'Thumbnail =>
                         array('className'    => 'Image')

Do you guys recommend this approach?

Armando Sosa


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