Hi there,

I raised this question before but was told my explaination wasn't very
clear. So hopefully this will be easier to understand.

In a stock control system:
I have two models, Item and Supplier. Item HABTM Supplier and Supplier
HABTM Item. This uses the following tables:

    id    |    description    |    attribute1    |    attribute2    |
 etc....    |    etc..

    id    |    name    |    address    |    contact    |
phone_number    |    etc..

    item_id    |    supplier_id

For each supplier I'd like to be able to keep track of how long it will
take them to deliver a particular item. This way, when I select an item
I can see which supplier will be able to deliver it the fastest.
Therefore, I keep this information in the items_suppliers link table,
along with item_id and supplier_id. I also include fields for the
supplier price for the particular item and the amount of this item I
have in stock from this particular supplier

    item_id    |    supplier_id    |    supplier_price    |
delivery_time    |    num_in_stock

However, there may be a situation where I already have e.g. 10 of
item_id 1234 from supplier ABC at $5 each and I get 20 more of the same
item from the same supplier at a different price.
So my link table would now look like this:
    item_id    |    supplier_id    |    supplier_price    |
delivery_time    |    num_in_stock
         1234          ABC                        $5.00
     24 Hours                 10
         1234          ABC                        $5.75
     24 Hours                 20

I'm thinking I should do one of the following:

Extend the Primary Key of the link table to include the supplier_price
as well
as item_id and supplier_id {i.e. Primary Key = (item_id, supplier_id,
supplier_price)}. However this will mean duplicating the
delivery_time data every time a new supplier price is given. I'm also
wondering if extending the Primary Key like this
will affect Cake's understanding of the Model.


Create a third Model called Stock which has the following:

        item_id    |    supplier_id    |    supplier_price    |

leaving the items_suppliers link table as:

        item_id    |    supplier_id    |   delivery_time

This avoids the duplicating the delivery_time data for every entry but
adds the extra table,
and therefore duplicates item_id and supplier_id.


I could just put 'supplier_id', 'supplier_price' and 'num_in_stock'
back into the 'items'
table and extend the Primary Key to include supplier_id and
giving me the following:
{i.e. Primary Key = (id, supplier_id, supplier_price)}

So the 'Items' table would now look like:
    id    |    description    |    attribute1    |    attribute2    |
 supplier_id    |  supplier_price    |  num_in_stock   |    etc....
|    etc..

However, again, I'm wondering if extending the Primary Key like this
will affect
Cake's understanding of the Models.

Which method would be most efficient?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



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