I'm also dreaming of a


I made a ticket for this https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/1013


Gonçalo Marrafa wrote:
> Hi. 
> This thread is being very enlightening. I have a question though: doesn't
> an action always render a view (unless $autoRender is set to false)? Here's
> an example:
> in one_controller.php:
> function foo()
> {
>     $this->set('foo', $this->Foo->findAll());
>     $this->render('foo_view');
> }
> *NOTE*: The render() part is optional, of course, but assuming $autoRender
> is not set to false it will implicitly render foo.thtml.
> in other_controller.php:
> function bar()
> {
>     $this->set('bar', $this->Bar->findAll());
>     $this->set('foo', $this->requestAction('/one/foo'));
> }
> Maybe i'm missing something but doesn't the call to '/one/foo' always
> render the view, even though requestAction is not asked to return the
> rendered view? Does foo()'s implementation have to contemplate the two
> distinct situations? Kinda like:
> function foo()
> {
>     $foo = $this->Foo->findAll();
>     if ($this->isCalledByRequestAction) {
>         return $foo;
>     }
>     else {
>         $this->render('foo_view');
>     }
> }
> Thanks in advance.

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