



On 6/30/06, salimk786 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> function listing_deleteKeyword($id)
> {
> //Search for the keyword
> $result = $this->Keyword->findAll($criteria="account_id = '" .
> $this->Xauth->getId() . "' and = '" . $id . "'");
> if ($result)
>         $this->Keyword->del($id);
> }
> function listing_editallkeywords($id = null)
> {
> //request came in to delete a keyword.
> if($id)
> {
>         //if the request came in through ajax.
>         if($this->RequestHandler->isAjax())
>         {
>                 $this->listing_deleteKeyword($id);
>                 $this->autoRender=false;
>         }
> }
> $this->order = 'Keyword.' . $this->sortBy.'
> '.strtoupper($this->direction);
> $data = $this->Keyword->findAll($criteria="account_id = '" .
> $this->Xauth->getId() . "'", $fields=null, $this->order, $this->show,
> $this->page);
> //ListingID ($id) is invalid.
> if (empty($data))
> {
>                 $this->redirect('/advertisers/listing_viewlisting/');
> }
> $paging['style'] = 'ajax';
> $paging['link'] =
> '/bare/advertisers/listing_editallkeywords/?show='.$this->show.'&sort='.$this->sortBy.'&direction='.$this->direction.'&page=';
> $paging['count'] = $this->Keyword->findCount($criteria="account_id = '"
> . $this->Xauth->getId() . "'",'50');
> $paging['show'] = array('10','25','50');
> $paging['page'] = $this->page;
> $paging['limit'] = $this->show;
> $paging['direction'] = $this->direction;
> $this->set('paging',$paging);
> $this->set('data',$data);
> $this->set('arr_validation_errors', $arr_validation_errors);
> $this->render(null,null,null,'listing');
> }
> ---> I tried requestHandler->isAjax, and its not helping, it rendering
> the view inside the view inside the view...
> I change the very last line to:
> if($this->RequestHandler->isAjax())
> {
>         $this->autoRender=false;
> }
> else
> {
> $this->render(null,null,null,'listing');
> }
> and it shows the view but it remove the the listing... I'm confused.
> >

Armando Sosa

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