
I'm running into a few issues with 2 HABTM associations. I'm working
on a events listing app (bit like upcoming.org but more specific) and
I have a tagging system in place. I have the following tables:


I want to be able to list events by date, and also only show events
that come after the current date, basiucally doing:

Event.event_start > now()

but no matter what I try I can't get Cake to do it.

Originally I tried:

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Event' =>
        array(  'className'                             => 'Event',
                        'joinTable'                             => 
                        'foreignKey'                    => 'tag_id',
                        'associationForeignKey' => 'event_id',
                        'conditions'                    => 'Event.event_start > 
                        'order'                                 => '',
                        'uniq'                                  => true,
                        'finderSql'                             => '',
                        'deleteSql'                             => '',
                        'insertSql'                             => '',

But I get an SQL error because Cake isn't querying the Events table,
so Event.event_start isn't available. I then tried manually entering
the sql using finderQuery like so:

'SELECT Tag.id, Tag.name, Tag.handle, Tag.description, Tag.tag_count,
Tag.created, Tag.modified FROM tags,events AS Tag,Event JOIN
events_tags ON events_tags.event_id = {$__cakeID__$} AND
events_tags.tag_id = Tag.id WHERE events.event_start > now()'

I think it's basically a lack of SQL knowledge that's letting me down,
but I'm not sure how to go about it, what I'm trying to write is:

'select all events with the tag_id of 'nn' that have an event_start
date after the current time' (I think!)

Any help from anyone hugely appreciated!




jon bennett
t: +44 (0) 1225 341 039 w: http://www.jben.net/
iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

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