To me "Hierarchical Model View Controler pattern." makes sense.
I understand (some) database logic (so objects, ORM etc...) but when I think of a website
I think with page-logic (so hierarchy, tree, etc).
That's the reason why I made Chameleon, and I guess Ocean had similar motivations for OceanCMS.

Greywire what you are looking for can be done with Cake. OceanCMS uses the powerful MPTT tree structure
and has other powerful features. Altough it is not compatible with the lasts version of cake it is a 98% finished application.
In chameleon (my project) I used a simpler (lazy) approach, agot my stuffs running pretty quickly,  I'm quite confident in its
stability (if u test use SVN not the package), and could let cake do the nasty job and let me concentrate on the surface of the app to make it easy to use.

My code has nothing amazing, and the recipe is simple. Build your tree structure in your model (there is different approaches, MPTT, adjacency,...) and use requestAction in your "main" controller to get what you need from other controllers, i.e from other objects.


John David Anderson (_psychic_) wrote:
On Jul 10, 2006, at 4:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I doing research for a new framework for my project, I came across the
concept of the Hierarchical Model View Controler pattern.  I've only
found one php framework that claims to support this (Claw).  It  
makes a
whole lot of sense to me and I was wondering if Cake supported this  
could it be extended easily if I needed to).

If this is unfamiliar concept, it means basicaly that you can easily
embed MVC "components" inside one another.  Part of what makes this
work is a method for chaining them together and allowing you to  
on the URL arguments for multiple components.

So if you had a page that contained an MVC component for "Lead" and  
for "Notes", you could do things like this: which would give
you the lead of id 123 with the second page of notes.

Does that make any sense?

Not to me, at least. :)

The other concern I have is with how Cake interfaces to the database.
I've always thought it didnt make a lot of sense to directly map
objects to the database -- they just arent the same thing, after all.
After reading some articles on it, I realize I am not the only one to
think this.

I've always thought of database tables as objects that relate to an  
application. Some tables arent (like join tables), but for the most  
part, a table should reflect an object or domain in your application.

That's why they call them RDBMS's after all, but everyone looks at  
things differently.

I figure for 90% of my project, the typical Object Relational Mapping
method would probably work fine, to create the CRUD type pages needed.
But that last 10% would be a total bitch to create.  This is the same
problem I have with Codecharge Studio.

What sort of things are happening in the 10%?

It seems to me that the best method would be not to try and make
everything in teh database into an object, and maybe use a combination
of objects and list processing (after all, database tables are just
lists/sets of data, not objects).

Well, Cake actually returns results in array form right now.

So for example, in cake, is it goign to create an object for every row
I fetch from the database?

No. It will create an object that fetches data from your store, though.

  How easy is it to customize if I want to
have my object for a table but internaly it manages the rows as an

You can always override (or extend) methods or write your own model  
methods if you want to. Its all OOP. Besides, I think Cake returns  
data how you'd like. Have you used it yet?

Can cake create "smart" SQL queries that will pull all the data needed
in one query that ends up as several objects?

Not sure what you mean by "smart", but models can be associated in  
Cake. So if I tell it my Supervisor hasMany Peons, bringing up a  
Supervisor record could automagically bring up its associated Peon  
records as well.

-- J


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