Celebrating summer with the release of CakePHP [1] This fixes the many bugs submitted by the ever growing and active CakePHP community. The DBOs have received some nice updates and a nifty little bug associated with PHP 5.2_dev was fixed. Check out the changelog [2] to see everything that was done.

In other news, some new articles were published on Sitepoint [3] and in the International PHP magazine [4]. Fabio Cevasco [5] is the man behind these articles. Together with Fabio, we will be writing a book that will be published by Peachpit press sometime around December 2006.

Yesterday, the documentation team and others got together for a meeting of the minds. John Anderson (_psychic_) had a great agenda and moved through it with great speed. So, expect to hear more from him and see some major improvements to the manual. Also, keep an eye out for CakePHP 1.2, which hope to release before the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Stop by #cakephp to find out how you can help us with 1.2.

Happy Baking,
CakePHP development Team
Cake Software Foundation, Inc.

[1] Download: http://cakeforge.org/frs/?group_id=23&release_id=114
[2] Changelog: http://cakeforge.org/frs/shownotes.php?release_id=114
[3] SitePoint: http://sitepoint.com
[4] International PHP Magazine: http://phpmag.net
[5] Fabio Cevasco: http://h3rald.com

* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName
* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access  public
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