Bearing in mind that the aim here is to provide a site wide search ...

There are a lot of ways that you can use Lucene (and I am not an expert 
in it, so best to read up on Lucene yourself to get a really good 
understanding).  We used it to index pages just like a search engine 
does.  Therefore if your database data is browsable within the website 
then Lucene will index it and make it searchable.

However you could also add, modify, and delete Lucene entries when you 
update your database records and include a URL to the controller/view 
that will display that data.

There are lots of ways that you could solve the problem of site wide 
search (and this discussion has been giving me some ideas too for my 
current project).  So the best thing you could do I think is study up on 
Lucene and work out how best to integrate it to your project.


Ryan Petrain wrote:
> The only drawback to this is if your data that want to search is in the 
> database.
> Does Lucene index the database too?

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