Hi, I been working in some data validation, and my code
works fine when I try to add a new entry in my database table
(when I try to save an empty record) BUT, I try to do the same
thing when I want to edit an entry of my database table.

- If I change the old content with a new content works fine.
- If I change the old content with nothing (blank spaces)
the value of table.id disappear If I try to save it.
I guess that it is probably a submit form error or something

This is my code:

Table: tipologia

id | name
1  | tipologia 1
2  | tipologia 2
3  | tipologia 3
4  | tipologia 4
5  | tipologia 1

file: /models/tipologia.php

  class Tipologia extends AppModel
    var $name = 'Tipologia';
    var $validate = array('name' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY );

file: /controller/tipologias_controller.php

  function edit($id=null)

    $this->set('id', $id);

    if (empty($this->data))
      $this->data = $this->Tipologia->read();
      if ($this->Tipologia->save($this->data['Tipologia']))

file: /views/tipologias/edit.thtml

<form method="post" action="<?php echo
<?php echo $html->hidden('Tipologia/id'); ?><p>

    <td colspan="2">Edit Tipologia</td>
    <td><?php echo $id; ?></td>
    <td><?php echo $html->input('Tipologia/name', array('size' => '30',
    <?php echo $html->tagErrorMsg('Tipologia/name', '* Blank
  <!-- Submit information -->
    <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" class="fontFaceB"
    <td><?php echo $html->submit('Save'); ?>&nbsp;<input type="button"
onclick="location.href='/cake/tipologias/index';" value="Cancel"/></td>

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