probably you have a controller 'Projects' , with a action name() inside
 if you take the task name as a variable for the name() action, you
might call the Tasks controller with requestaction()

function name($projectid=null)
    //finds the project with a specific name
$this->requestAction('/tasks/showbyproject/'.$projectid) );

 (assuming you have a showbyproject() action to list the tasks of a
given project.)
 this will set a variable in your view , with the 'bare' view of that
action. you might just do an echo in the right place.
 hope it helps :)


On 7/30/06, Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there. Total noob here, so please be patient :P
> I'm developing an application that manages tasks for different
> projects.
> I've been able to have a links of projects displayed, and to retrieve
> the information relative to a specific project, with this link
> structure:
> /projects/ (this one finds all the projects)
> /projects/name/ (this one finds the project with a specific name)
> Now, since every project has a lot of "tasks", how can I accomplish
> this result:
> /projects/name/tasks/ (displays all the tasks for the "name" project)
> If I were coding in normal PHP I'd do a simple query with a WHERE
> clause, but with CakePHP I just don't get how to do that...
> Any help will be greatly appreciated :)
> Andre
> >


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