How about this,

If the encoding for your files == charset meta tag in html == database

Then you won't get any pr?blems.

If you are not using UTF-8 you will get pr?blems with AJAX updates
if you use UTF-8 database connection you need to execute "set names
'UTF8'" as your first  mysql command
Most people miss/don't know that they need to change the encoding for
the files themselves.
If you get the text "" being output you have BOMs at the
beginning of your files which you need to remove

Therefore to avoid all pr?blems:
google "set names 'UTF8'" cakephp and put in place a fix*
Configure your editor to use UTF-8 charset and don't add BOMs

And you don't get any more problems.


* for v1.2 of cake adding "encoding"=>"UTF8" to your database
connection parameters takes care of this.

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