Hey henthoca,

Thanks for your posts, I pretty much understand your explanations and
I'll let you know how I get on.


henthoca wrote:

> Whoops, I forgot to mention that each other model should have a hasMany
> relation with the JoinModel, and the JoinModel should belongTo each of
> the other three models.  I think I might have implied that, but better
> to explicitly come out and say it.
> I think this method would ideally allow for an n-way join table, not
> limited to 2 like the HABTM relations are.
> henthoca wrote:
> > I had ran into this situation a while back, trying to figure out how to
> > do a three-way join table.  I believe gwoo helped me figure out that it
> > was best to create an extra model that belonged to the other three
> > models, instead of trying to do crazy HABTM join querys.
> >
> > My three models were Resources (rooms), Users and Groups (permissions).
> >  Each user has a certain set of permissions per resource. Eg, User A is
> > an Teacher for Room A and a Student for Room B.  Then I made an extra
> > model ( I named mine GroupsResourcesUser ) to store just the primary
> > id's of each of the other three tables, and set all of those as the
> > primary key in my new table.
> >
> > This method lets you pick one side and see which other sides it has,
> > like pick a User and see for which Projects the User has each Role, or
> > pick a Project to see which Users have each Role for that Project, or
> > pick a Role to see which Users have that Role for each Project.
> >
> > For example, finding the Project-Role combinations for a particular
> > (maybe logged in) user, I'd set $this->User->recursive = 3; and just
> > use $this->User->findById($id); to get the data.  It'll be in the form,
> > $data['JoinModelName']['TargetModel1'] etc, so you should be able to
> > capture the relationships that way.
> >
> > It seems to work well enough for me. LMK if I need to explain it better
> > though.

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