I've been experimenting with advanced validation per
and the ErrorHelper  class.

I need my UsersController's update() method to update both the
underlying 'users' table as well as the 'people'  table that the User
model belongsTo. I've discovered that when you just say


cake updates 'users'  table but not 'people'. So I instantiate my own
Person object in the UsersController constructor, and assign it to an
instance var, which I update it "manually" (it's still pretty easy,
thank you Cake) in my update().

But I don't want to update anything unless both models validate. So I
check that manually before calling save(). Fine. The only hitch is that
in my view update.thtml, I have not been able to figure out to get
e.g., $error->showMessage('Person/lastname') to show the validation
error that I know to exist from the controller's point of view in
$this->Person->validationErrors. I've been trying an ugly workaround as
commented in the code below, but I would like to know how to make it
work as it does for $error->showMessage('User/username'), and/or what I
am doing wrong. Thank you!

Here is the controller:

class UsersController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'User';
        var $helpers = array('Error','Html');

        function __construct() {

                $this->Person = new Person();

        function index() {



        function update($id = null) {
                if (empty($this->data))

                        $this->User->person_id = $id;
                        $this->data = $this->User->read();

                        // load validation rules

                        // if both models validate...
                        $valid_user = $this->User->validates($this->data);
                        $valid_person = $this->Person->validates($this->data);
                        if ($valid_user && $valid_person)
                                // ...try to save
                                if ($this->User->save($this->data['User']) &&
{$this->data['User']['username']} has been

                                } else {


                        } else {
                                // nasty workaround

and here is the view:

<form method="POST" action="<?=$html->url('/users/update')?>">
        <td>First name</td>
        <td>Last name</td>
// the ugly workaround...
if (@$validationErrors['lastname']):?>
<div class="error_message"><?=$validationErrors['lastname']?></div>
<?php endif;
// ..because this doesn't work
        <?=$error->showMessage('User/username') // <-- but this works fine ?>

Thanks again.

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