
I am having a strange problem with displaying a view.  I am running:

- Cake
- IIS 5
- MS SQL Server

I have the following model, controller, and view:


   class Module extends AppModel
     var $name = 'Module';
     var $useTable = "tblModules";


   class ModulesController extends AppController
     var $name = 'Modules';
     function index() {


<p>Modules page</p>

However when I try to open:  http://myserver/index.php/modules/

I get the following error:

Warning: overload() was unable to locate class 'modules' in 
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cake\basics.php on line 74

CakePHP Rapid Development
Missing view

You are seeing this error because the view 
cinetpubwwwrootappviewsmodulesindex.thtml for action index in controller 
Modules could not be found.

Notice: this error is being rendered by the 
app/views/errors/missing_view.thtml view file, a user-customizable error 
page for handling missing/invalid views during rendering.

Fatal: Unable to load view file 
cinetpubwwwrootappviewsmodulesindex.thtml for action 

What interests me most is the path to the "missing view":


It should be: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\app\views\modules\index.thtml

If cinetpubwwwrootappviewsmodulesindex.thtml is the path Cake is trying 
to open then there is no surprise that it fails.  The question is why is 
it dropping the directory separator?

My core.php file has the following settings enabled for IIS:

   define ('BASE_URL', env('SCRIPT_NAME'));
   define('SERVER_IIS', true);  
Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on here?

Any advice greatly appreciated.


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