Gwoo updated the stylesheet already.

Refresh your the page if it doesn't show up.

I marked it as trivial because it did not present a security concern or logical error in a code example that could lead to unworkable code (which can be very frustrating and/or lead to security problems/bugs later).

But I do think the suggestion is a good improvement to readability which is also important to reduce frustration.  Documentation is very important as well.  Priority just needs to be looked at in the scheme of all the work that needs to be done and what should be completed first.  Trivial items can often be taken care of faster than items marked as a higher priority.  So they might look for little things to do quickly (which may have been the case since gwoo already updated it).

It is always nice when a community can pitch in to help with bugs/improvements/suggestions etc.  I really like being able to tap into the community and the developers.

I think one thing that is always good to remember that the developers/admins/documentation managers for the project do get quite a bit of flac for making CakePHP, its related documentation, and tools for the community available for all of us.  Phrasing suggestions and improvements in the most neutral and P.C. way possible will help everyone involved (even if you are frustrated and feel it is the developers' fault something isn't working).

I do think it is more readable and that does make it more useful.



Thank you for entering that ticket, John.

I meant to write that you can see a sample of the improved appearance

versus the existing page at

(The top of my sample page is not rendered correctly. I didn't bother
to fix those parts of the layout, because they are not relevant to the
comparison. The changes are further down the page.)

This is a trivial problem only to those who believe clear documentation
is not very important. I think experience suggests otherwise. Even an
incomplete project can be quite useful if it includes good, readable

But I'm guessing you might agree, since you took the trouble to
ticket-ize it.



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