
darx: Having the language code in the url makes total sense, is perfectly RESTful, simple to do, and highly recommended from my site. I did it before on fg-webdesign.de and it works well for that purpose (it's a
small static site using texilte as markup).

Dieter: Alright, as I already tried to communicate numerous times, I'm not criticizing you for trying to build a website with i18n url's, I criticized the available ways of achieving it - concluding in the opinion that it's not worth it for me. You do a web site for school, you might enjoy it, it's small (?), only 1 language, I can see it work out. But a lot (not all) of the  people think of it in the context of somewhat bigger sites that they work on for a fixed prize (or hourly payment), supporting 2 or more languages. And ROI(Return on Investment) probably plays an important part in their way to create a page. So I was talking to the mailing list in general, more then I was talking to you specifically, you just happened to be the one who brought up the topic ; ).

In general, I'm not opposed to i18n url's. I'd love to have them in fact. So if somebody out there makes it so that it's really easy, I'll start using them with high respect for to the clever guy that made it possible.

Best Regards,
Felix Geisendörfer

http://cakephp.org/pastes/show/5f136ad39fe38b274fd2090c2a24c5d7 this
will be easier to copy/paste from (mind you, at line 51 there is a
newline, but the backslash isn't shown)

Felix and mouth.
i haven't mentioned this before, but the app i'm building is a project
for school, and i thought it would be really cool if "the whole user
experience" (including urls) would be in dutch.  it would give a little
extra touch to my application.

 apart from the programming which is (obviously) in english, the
website on itself is only 1 language, dutch.  so i think that on itself
solves some things you mentioned.
also, i don't plan to use ajax, i will use (little) _javascript_s though
also, the translator is just a (transparant) layer that performs a
translation and then the whole system (with routing etc) is left
untouched.  as long i watch out that there are no words in english that
will be recognized as dutch and stranslated, anything in english should
go straight through.  I _will_ use a webservice (soap) though, fully in
english, but i don't think there will be problems with that (given the
remark above)


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