Hello fellow bakers!

first of all I'd like to tell you that I am an experienced php
developer for years, firstly with plain procedural way, last year OOP
and now I started baking with cakePHP, so I am really new to MVC

I decided that my first baked application would be a classifieds
system, but not a generic one... I am going for used cars classifieds.

Firstly I defined the database structure. I will list you some basic
tables to show you what I have in mind:

table: companies
table: users
table: user_favorites
table: classifieds (id, user_id, company_id, type, created, modified,
table: photos
table: cars
table: cars_specs
table: classifieds_cars
table: classifieds_others

a user can belong to a company (not a must though)
user can have many classifieds
user can have many favorites (favorite classifieds)

a classified can be posted by a user or a company

There are many classifieds types... two basic though: classifieds cars
and classifieds others...

So this is basics... hope I have explained myself ok.

Now how to do the logics of the site.
It depends on what type of classified we are dealing with...
so do I need to make the controller logics for only classifieds (delete
classified, add photo, etc - the logics that is the same for both
types), then cars (unique methods just for cars) and others (unique
methods for others) or just classifieds_cars, and classifieds_others
(separated logics)?

and I you suggest me the first option (the common logics)... how do I
manage to combine those? common+cars and commons+others ?

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