Hi Sonic Baker,

<caveat>I am assuming this is regarding inter-model links rather than
controller-model links.</caveat>

ModelA->ModelB->ModelC doesn´t imply coupling to me, as your are just
using the relationships to navigate to the relavent objects. The
objects themselves are free to change or be enhanced, irgo low
coupling. If you prefered you could declare each class you want to use
in the $uses array for each controller. If the relationship between
ModelA and ModelB was removed, the code would stop working - is it this
sort of problem that is a concern? That sort of change would, however,
also indicate a rather fundamental change to the application.

I don´t fully understand what you mean by "high cohesion objects". The
reason I don´t understand is that the models, don´t have any
dependencies except typically on the database (unless you code
something in yourself) and to my mind that makes them pretty cohesive -
they do one thing (provide an interface to a model) and that´s it.

If /I/ have misunderstood what you mean, please set me straight.



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