Alright a couple of questions...

Are you one php5 or 4?
    If 4 make sure that you have $name set in models and controllers  like
        var $name = 'Post';  // in your model files
        var $name = 'Posts';  // in controller files
Did you double check all of your pluralizations
    refer to models always as singular CamelCase
    refer to contollers always as plural CamelCase
What is your debug level set to in /config/core.php
   If it is 1 try 2 and this should get it to spit out some of the sql
information, it might be an error there that we will see that can help
us.  could be a connection problem or table naming issue that might
help track down the problem

On 8/25/06, mrbog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is not my problem. I'm not overwriting another cake install. I'm
> not using the non-release version.  This is a clean install of the most
> recent cake release.
> >

S. DeVore
(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

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