
First, thank you for taking the time to look at this topic.  I am brand
new to cakePHP and just need somebody to check my work before I
complete all the tutorials and then go production the wrong way.

I have a siteground/ipowerweb domains www.domain.com.  Customers are
unwilling to get a virtual private or dedicated server even though it's
more secure, offers more control, is faster...etc etc.  Bottom line,
shared hosted accounts will be production.  No cake baking or command
line access or ability to change wwwroot on the server.

Siteground:  /html/account/public_html/  ->www.domain.com

/html/account/cake/                                 (cake libraries)
<--up one directory level
/html/account/cake/config/                                  |
   from www.domain.com
/html/account/cake/docs/                                    |
/html/account/cake/libs/                                      |
/html/account/cake/scripts/                                |
...app_controller.php                                           |
...app_model.php                                                 |
...basics.php                                                         |
...bootstrap.php                                                    |
...dispatcher.php                                         (cake
/html/account/public_html/                               (app)
/html/account/public_html/config                        |
/html/account/public_html/controllers                |
/html/account/public_html/models                     |
/html/account/public_html/plugins                     |
/html/account/public_html/tmp                            |
/html/account/public_html/vendors                    |
/html/account/public_html/views                    (app) +index.php
/html/account/public_html/css                (app/wwwroot)
/html/account/public_html/files                          |
/html/account/public_html/img                           |
/html/account/public_html/js                              |
/html/account/public_html/css.php                   |
/html/account/public_html/favicon.ico              |
/html/account/public_html/index.php    (app/wwwroot)

/html/account/public_html/index.php will look like:

if (!defined('ROOT'))
    define('ROOT', DS.'html'.DS.'account');

if (!defined('APP_DIR'))
    define ('APP_DIR', 'public_html');

if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH'))
    define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', DS.'html'.DS.'account'.DS.'cake');

First, if that's right I hope it's helpful and not embarrassingly
obvious.  Can anybody check my work?



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