Okay, you win.  But I don't think it really helps Tony fix the problem
that started this thread.   It's not a PHP 4 vs. PHP 5 issue, no
matter how many words you devote to telling me that PHP 5 is true
objected-oriented programming.  It's a style issue, and if Tony needs
to mix functional programming with object-oriented programming, who am
I to tell him what to do?

Obviously we can't expect Tony to sit around and wait for Cake 2.0...

> Not TRUE object oriented programming.  That is the whole revelation of
> PHP5 and why most frameworks aren't available to PHP4.  Sure it has it
> by being VERY careful in what you are doing.  But it still is
> cumbersome, prone to errors, and slow as compared to PHP5.  Which
> again, is why most frameworks cheap out to PHP5 only and aren't as
> ingenous as the CakePHP people to tackle the PHP4 challenge.
> So, yes it does support OO programming.  It just doesn't do it well and
> in the truest since of the term.  But again having to tackle having one
> method that automatically references PHP4 or PHP5 correctly is one
> distinction of CakePHP.
> >

Chris Hartjes

"The greatest inefficiencies come from solving problems you will never have."
-- Rasmus Lerdorf

@TheBallpark - http://www.littlehart.net/attheballpark
@TheKeyboard - http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard

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