On Aug 31, 2006, at 7:10 PM, dmancan wrote:

> Hi
> I'm currently testing cakePHP to decide if our company should switch
> over. I have a quick question which I'm sure is a snap for you  
> gurus to
> answer.
> I want my homepage to draw a collection of  requests from various
> database tables....each dataset will populate various elements on the
> homepage. The homepage has no db table.
> If I use the pagecontroller I only get static content from the static
> home.thtml template. If I create a new controller and set the routing
> to use a new controller and view, I have to create a model and  
> database
> table, but I don't need a homepage table.

If you don't need a model in your controller, set var $uses = null in  
the controller.

-- John

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