Have tried many different wayes, but with no success. I can't think out
how to populate a join table which has more than two fields.

In the index controller  I 'm using the following:

$this->set('langs', $this->Lang->findAll());

In the form:

.. input fields for the seasons table ...
... input fields for the seasons_langs table ....
<?php foreach ($langs as $lang): ?>

<input type="text"
name="langData[<?= $lang['Lang']['lang_id'] ?>][SeasonLang][info]" />

<?php endforeach; ?>

So, in the controller I get an array:

(suppose we have two languages)

Then I make a record for the season :


and then I build the arrays for the seasons_langs:

$seasons_langs_data['SeasonLang']['season_id'] =

foreach ($this->params['form']['langData'] as $key => $value) {

   $countries_langs_data['SeasonLang']['lang_id'] = $key;
   $countries_langs_data['SeasonLang']['name'] =


Then in the seasons_langs table I have only one record. Cakephp saves
the record for the first language in the first iteration and then just
updates this record on the second iteration.

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