Unfortunately, I don't think there is an easy solution for that.

However, If you have some sort of custom validation to assert the error,
for example in the controller,
if( empty($this->data['Person']['Address']['address1']) )
$this->Person->validationErrors['Address']['address1'] = 1;
then you can make custom error helper to check such error.

For example, make /app/views/helpers/error.php as follows

class ErrorHelper extends Helper
    function tagErrorMsg($field, $text) {
        $error = 1;
        $pieces = explode("/", $field);
        $keys = "['".implode("']['", $pieces)."']";
        $variable = "\$this->validationErrors{$keys}";
        $validationError = eval("return {$variable};");

        if ($error == $validationError) {
            return sprintf('<div class="error_message">%s</div>', is_array($text) ? (empty($text[$error - 1]) ? 'Error in field' : $text[$error - 1]) : $text);
        } else {
            return null;


Then your controller should include error helper by
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Error');

Then in your view (note: use $error instead of $html)
<?php echo $html->input('Person/Address/address1',
array('id' => 'person_address_address1', 'size' => '40',
'value' => $addresses['Address']['address1'], )) ?>
<?php echo $error->tagErrorMsg('Person/Address/address1', 'address is empty.'); ?>

The tagErrorMsg is from HTML helper, and I modified the error checking part.
It construct variable name to access multidimentional validationErrors array,
and get the value. It works for regular 'Model/field' case, too.
I am not sure if it is good code, but it works.

Example for custom validation and error helper is at
and you might want to check the advanced custom validation for your need, too.

Hope this helps.


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