I just tried this out on one of my actions, and noted one thing, maybe
worth mentioning.

If you already know about and are using regex's but still can't get it
to work for some reason, maybe double check that the line breaks are
actually there? ...

There are some components and helpers I have seen that have some
input/output parsing (the OutputComponent being the one I've used
before)-- make sure you are not running
Output->filter($this->params['data']) on your input before checking for
\n's, as it replaces newlines with <br/> tags (the OutputComponent also
has a br2nl function to reverse the process for spitting back out into
the edit form textarea).

Best way to check is pr($this->params[data']) and then view the HTML
source that is spat out, and see whether it is actually \n or whether
it's <br/>.

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