What I am trying to do, is...

Find users in a database between two ages.


The birthdays of the users are in the database in this format

Now this function takes a birthday in this format 1980-01-30 and
returns the age

 function birthday ($birthday)
    list($year,$month,$day) = explode("-",$birthday);
    $year_diff  = date("Y") - $year;
    $month_diff = date("m") - $month;
    $day_diff   = date("d") - $day;
    if ($month_diff < 0) $year_diff--;
    elseif (($month_diff==0) && ($day_diff < 0)) $year_diff--;
    return $year_diff;

But what I need to do, is somehow only show the results from the
database where the birthday is in between two different ages.

How do I do this.  My brain hurts enough already from writing the
function above.  Can anyone help?

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