I guess I went off on sort of a tangent with some of my post but the
basics of my post, IMO, are quite applicable to this group since our
existance as a community is based on the net and our main tool (Cake)
is web-based development.  Any small change in the net can affect us
all ... with some changes drastically changing our ways of life.

I agree with what you said about net neutrality that the telecomm's
must recompensate for their costs but I believe the costs needs to be
claimed on the end-user not necessarily the destination or route of
information.  My cable intenet is nearing $50 per month, which in the
"larger picture", is very very very reasonable and affordable.

But as technology increases costs actually go down -- for both the
end-user and the telecomm's.  The problem is capitalism ... the
telecomm's main goal isn't to provide a service they are here to make
the most money possible.  When another company lowers rates to be more
competative its a ripple effect with the whole industry.

Look at cell phone companies .. there always is this struggle of "we
give you more than the other companies".  Recently these phone
companies have had to install superlative (and often unused) components
to attract more buyers (music, mp3, video, etc).  Cell phones are no
more about the actual service, but the methods (ie phones) that carry
the service.

What happens when cellphone companies keep lower prices and increasing
costs?  Are we going to start charging land lines more? Start charging
more for incoming calls?  This, in a way, sort of parallels whats
happening with the telecomm companies.

I also believe in your statment that the future of the net lies in
going back to its roots.  It will be very interesting in what happens
with it!

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