On 9/22/06, Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's right. We have been talking about replacing the wiki and bringing in
> the Bakery. Well, the doors are open at http://bakery.cakephp.org . Over the
> next few days we hope everyone will help us move the content from the wiki
> over to the Bakery. If you have a tutorial on the wiki, something you wrote
> up on your blog, or something you have been planning to share, help us test
> out the Bakery. The Code section of the Bakery is the perfect place to put
> your latest and greatest snippet. If you have a component, helper, model or
> some other nifty code on CakeForge or your hard drive, throw it into the
> Code section of the Bakery. There are still plenty of features to add to the
> Bakery, but if you find any bugs or think of some enhancements feel free to
> submit a ticket to Trac, https://trac.cakephp.org
> Download:
> http://cakeforge.org/frs/?group_id=23&release_id=134

I just donated some money to the project so I could grab the latest
release.  Given the support I've gotten from this mailing list when
I've had a problem, a small donation to show my appreciation is the
least I could do.

Chris Hartjes

"The greatest inefficiencies come from solving problems you will never have."
-- Rasmus Lerdorf

@TheBallpark - http://www.littlehart.net/attheballpark
@TheKeyboard - http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard

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