clemos wrote:

> about emacs, I've been hearing of its power, and trying it sometimes
> for years now, but without much success. Then I took a month to really
> learn the way it works and the shortcuts and all. Finally, I found
> that the multiple modes (PHP/HTML/JS ...) was weird and that emacs
> wasn't really worth the time investment, at least when it comes to web
> programming...

I pretty much agree with you, clemos.

If you're only interested in web programming Emacs may not be exactly 
what you're looking for.  It really is *extremely* powerful but it 
requires a lifelong commitment to master it.  Mastering it involves 
learning Lisp and learning Lisp will be a profound experience that will 
(hopefully) make you a better engineer for the rest of your life or at 
least change the way you look at programming and language use.

Seriously, though, there is no comparison.  Emacs is about working most 
efficiently and as you see fit.

vi is fine for quick edits or when Emacs isn't available.  There is 
something to admire in vi's simple and elegant editor commands.

Eclipse it's a bloated hog of an application suite that took some good 
ideas from Emacs and then promptly broke them (with a few exceptions). 
The standard Eclipse install on one of my laptops runs about 160MB and 
takes about four times as long as Emacs to start and a whole lot more 
memory to run.  There's really no way you can run it over a slow 
terminal link, either.

But I'm an Emacs nut and you probably shouldn't be listening to me :-)
Emacs probably isn't worth your time if you're looking for a point & 
click, dialog and menu-driven experience.

Please note that I don't intend to slam people who don't use Emacs or 
anything like that.  To each his own.



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