On 9/28/06, Sonic Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Brian, maybe this will be of hekp to you:
> http://groups.google.ie/group/cake-php/browse_thread/thread/8815708bcb1c8b/c054815ad5d09804?lnk=gst&q=test+suite&rnum=1#c054815ad5d09804
>  Cheers,
>  Sonic

It was helpful, but not in the way I expected. I got a 404 when I
tried for /tests/, so I took a closer look at my setup. I eventually
realized that I never got around to changing "AllowOverride None" to
"AllowOverride All" in my conf file for localhost when I added this
new Cake App.

Such a small thing, but so very important!

Then there was a minor issue with the test links going nowhere: "Core
Test Cases" went to '/cases' from '/tests', although the links were
correct if I first manually went to '/tests/cases'. My temporary
workaround was to change $groups and $cases on line 208-209 of
/app/tests/tests.php to:

    $groups = '/tests/?show=groups';
    $cases = '/tests/?show=cases;

Not an ideal workaround, I'm sure, but it works. I can access my tests
from /tests/ and no more worries about undefined constants.

Now that everything is basically working as advertised, it looks like
I'm going to experiment with the ModelUnitTestCase class at
http://cakephp.org/pastes/show/99b95734fbb3b5a90d9b20adbc381aa9 to
streamline the test database interaction.

Kind Regards,

Brian Wisti

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