hi, its ahsan.
I am new to cakephp  , but old to php :-)
In the last section of the manual 's model description .. its described
about the details of HABTM association between posts  and tags..
the scenario presented there in last example is to associate a newly
created post with a relevant tags, while we are adding a new post.
I am exactly in the same situation ..
I have HABTM association between two models
dealer  : product
when creating a dealer, i want to be able to associate one or many
products to the dealer.
In manual ,they have used $html->selectTag('Tag/Tag',$tags,null.....
How will this work in my case..
because , i have tried to replace 'Tag/Tag' with 'Product/Product' and
$tags with $products.. but of now use..
Its gives the error
Notice: Undefined variable: products in D:\Development Work
Area\Installations\wamp\www\cake\app\views\dealers\add.thtml on line 31
Pleasssssssssssssssssse help me ....

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