try adding

$this->Artist->recursive = 2;

(or other recursion level defaults to 1)

-1 only the model of interest NO joins
0 only the root level (may include belongsTo and hasOne
1 only first level of hasMany and hasAndBelongsToMany
2 ok I bet you can guess ;)

hth, if not hope for someone less cranky then me

On 10/23/06, Preloader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello cakePHP-Community,
> first of all a "Big Hello" to everybody. My name is Christoph and I'm
> new to this group. I mainly coded Perl & PHP in the last years. Due to
> constantly growing projects I was looking for a simple and cleary
> arranged Web Application Framwork. (yeah, it took me long, but hey ...
> it's never too late).
> After getting in touch with Helma and Ruby on Rails I discovered
> cakePHP. It seemes to be the reasonable decision for me: I don't have
> to learn another programming language and there should be no major
> problems with most of the providers.
> So I started dealing with cakePHP a couple of days ago, and I am really
> thrilled about this Web Application Framework.  Looks like it is the
> right thing for me.
> To come to my point: just for the sake of learning I want to make a
> small application for organizing music cds.
> I created three models and the corresponding tables in the database:
>   * Artist
>   * Album
>   * Track
> Here the code for the models with their associations:
> _________________________________________________________________
> // Artist-Model
> class ArtistModel extends AppModel
> {
>   var $name = 'Artist';
>   var $hasMany = array('Album' => array('className'    => 'Album',
>                                         'conditions'   => '',
>                                         'order'        => '',
>                                         'dependent'    =>  true,
>                                         'foreignKey'   => 'artist_id'
>                                   )
>                  );
> }
> // Album-Model
> class AlbumModel extends AppModel
> {
>   var $belongsTo = 'Artist';
>   var $hasMany = array('Track' => array('className'    => 'Track',
>                                         'conditions'   => '',
>                                         'order'        => '',
>                                         'dependent'    =>  true,
>                                         'foreignKey'   => 'album_id'
>                                   )
>                  );
> }
> // Track-Model
> class Track extends AppModel{
>   var $name = 'Track';
>   var $belongsTo = 'Album';
> }
> _________________________________________________________________
> So I have 2 joins over three tables, seems to be clear.
> Now the index action in my ArtistsController should display all artists
> with there albums and the corresponding tracks:
> Artist
>   Album
>     Track
>     Track
>     Track
> Artist
>   Album
>     Track
>     Track
>     ...
>     ...
> Now here comes my problem: when i fetch the data ...
> $data = $this->Artist->findAll();
> ... I get the structure without the tracks:
> _________________________________________________________________
> Array
> (
>     [0] => Array
>         (
>             [Artist] => Array
>                 (
>                     [id] => 1
>                     [name] => Breaking Pavel
>                     [description] => Vienna based electronic duo
>                     [website] =>
>                     [created] => 2006-10-24 03:10:03
>                     [modified] =>
>                 )
>             [Album] => Array
>                 (
>                     [0] => Array
>                         (
>                             [id] => 1
>                             [artist_id] => 1
>                             [title] => Duality
>                             [year] => 2006
>                             [label] => unsigned
>                             [created] => 2006-10-24 03:10:34
>                             [modified] =>
>                         )
>                     [1] => Array
>                         (
>                             [id] => 2
>                             [artist_id] => 1
>                             [title] => Extended
>                             [year] => 2005
>                             [label] => unsigned
>                             [created] => 2006-10-24 04:11:02
>                             [modified] =>
>                         )
>                 )
>         )
>     [1] => Array
>         (
>             [Artist] => Array
>                 (
>                     [id] => 2
>                     [name] => Console
>                     [description] => Martin Gretschman's project
>                     [website] =>
>                     [created] => 2006-10-24 05:11:00
>                     [modified] =>
>                 )
>             [Album] => Array
>                 (
>                     [0] => Array
>                         (
>                             [id] => 3
>                             [artist_id] => 2
>                             [title] => Rocket In The Pocket
>                             [year] => 1998
>                             [label] => Payola
>                             [created] => 2006-10-24 05:12:04
>                             [modified] =>
>                         )
>                 )
>         )
> )
> _________________________________________________________________
> Is there something wrong with my model setup or do I have to fetch the
> data for each album??
> Thank you very much in advance, Christoph
> P.S.: Sorry for this extra-long post. Are there any conventions
> concerning source-codes in post?
> >

S. DeVore
(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

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