
thanks for your lengthy post, it was a pretty interesting read.

One of the things that I really like as well is creating Models for relationships. I think I heard about it first in David Heinemeier Hansson Keynote Adress at RailsConf '06 (Video, Slides). I've played around with it a while back in CakePHP and got it working without using a through relationship. Maybe I've missed something, but I'll try to reproduce it today an write a post about it on ThinkingPHP.org.

Other then that, this polymorphic association stuff sounds very interesting as well, but I can't see a reason why this is something only Ruby can do.

A little o.T.: for those of you who are really into OOP and would like results of Model queries to be objects as well and similar things: Afaik CakePHP relies heavily on Arrays for a lot of things because they are a far superior choice in PHP 4 & 5 over objects. Sure PHP is an object oriented language, but have you seen a lot of functions to manipulate objects? I haven't. PHP is really all about manipulating arrays. Whenever I have to work with another language I instantly miss PHP's sweet array functions. This said, it's also clear why PHP 5 isn't dominant yet, it simply didn't deliver anything outstanding that PHP 4 didn't already have (name spaces would have been cool). I myself am quite happy using PHP 4 and would only switch if CakePHP goes that way (in 2.0) or my hosting company does.

Best Regards,
Felix Geisendörfer
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