I searched before open this topic, sorry if it was already made.

I have this problem in early project, i don't really KNOW exactly the
length of varchars. And Cake don't catch MySql errors to me treat.

E.g: 1406: Data too long for column 'cargo' at row 1

This happen when i send a string long than varchar(e.g. 70). So i have
to treat this every field in every model/controler and truncate the
string and/or display a red tag saying that there are erros.

My suggestion is,  if Cake can mimic the databases, so it could *guess*
what type of the field is, in this cae *varchar* of X lenght and it
could *automatically* truncate it by default or leave to the programmer
to decide if it is necessary do treat this manually when save datas.

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