Hi scott,

Thanks for the explanation!

What about migrations, have you managed to make it work too?



On 10/30/06, scott lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 30-Oct-2006, at 10:50, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I've taken a look at Capistrano and I think that I will use it to
> deploy my CakePHP apps. I've got a dedicated server and I would
> like to know if anyone has managed to run PHP and Ruby side-by-side
> on Apache? (as I will need to use Capistrano).
> Thanks in advance!
> Marcelo.

There is no need to have ruby on the destination server. Capistrano
runs entirely on your local machine, it connects to the server via
ssh and runs shell commands. All you need on the destination server
is ssh and subversion.

I've got a few notes on deploying Cake apps via Capistrano on my blog
at <http://scotfl.ca/2006/07/25/capistrano-and-cakephp-in-perfect-
harmony/>. I use Cap for deployments, Rake for management, and
Selenium RC and Test::Unit for behaviour testing. Cake and Ruby can
definitely coexist!


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