Hey guys,

i'm having a file upload here.
I'm using "afterSave" to place the uploaded file in the filesystem.

        function afterSave($created){
                //get the entry id
                $this->data['DataFile']['id'] = $this->getInsertId();
                        $this->data['DataFile']['data_file'] = array();

"saveDataFile" is a function which tries to places the uploaded file
in the file system and returns false in case of copy fails.

If the copy should fail i delete the record from the database and set
the "data_file" index which normally cotains the uploaded file
information to an empty array. This is because i want the validation
to fail so the file upload field gets an error message while

The problem now is that the upload form does NOT! contain the
validation error message for that particular field.

Do you know what i am doing wrong?


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