You need a similar association in the council model defenition for
hasmany people. You don't need to do anything in the regions model to
get the people, cake works its way through.

Then use recursive to automatically provide deeper associations, or
use contain to be more specific about what you want, to avoid
performance hits.  I normally get it working with recursive and then
tighten things up with contain once i can see its working.



On Apr 28, 9:04 am, Staple <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have an application with 'Regions' that have many 'Councils' that in
> turn have many 'People'.
> It is all working well and the view page of a 'Region' has the
> associated 'Councils' available in it. I need to get deeper to get the
> 'People' available on the 'Region' view page as well. My model looks
> like this (I imagine I need to add 'People' to the model?):
> <?php
> class Region extends AppModel {
>         var $name = 'Region';
>         var $displayField = 'name';
>         //The Associations below have been created with all possible keys,
> those that are not needed can be removed
>         var $hasMany = array(
>                 'Council' => array(
>                         'className' => 'Council',
>                         'foreignKey' => 'region_id',
>                         'dependent' => false,
>                         'conditions' => '',
>                         'fields' => '',
>                         'order' => '',
>                         'limit' => '',
>                         'offset' => '',
>                         'exclusive' => '',
>                         'finderQuery' => '',
>                         'counterQuery' => ''
>                 )
>         );
> }
> ?>
> Any help much appreciated...

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