
"Not working" means no flash animation is displaying.

> Can you access main_ani.swf directly in your web browser?
Yes, I can.

> I haven't read that tutorial, but I just skimmed it, and it doesn't say to 
> call $this->renderSwf; it says to call $flash->renderSwf.
Yes, I had tried $flash->renderSwf earlier, But i got the following
Notice (8): Undefined variable: flash [APP\views\pages\home.ctp, line
26]Code | Context</object>-->
echo $flash->renderSwf('main_ani.swf',530,300,'content1');
$___viewFn      =       "C:\wamp\www\merry_flowers\views\pages\home.ctp"
$___dataForView =       array(
        "page" => "home",
        "subpage" => null,
        "title_for_layout" => "Home"
$loadHelpers    =       true
$cached =       false
$form   =       FormHelper
FormHelper::$helpers = array
FormHelper::$fieldset = array
FormHelper::$__options = array
FormHelper::$fields = array
FormHelper::$requestType = NULL
FormHelper::$defaultModel = NULL
FormHelper::$_inputDefaults = array
FormHelper::$base = "/merry_flowers"
FormHelper::$webroot = "/merry_flowers/"
FormHelper::$theme = NULL
FormHelper::$here = "/merry_flowers/"
FormHelper::$params = array
FormHelper::$action = "display"
FormHelper::$plugin = NULL
FormHelper::$data = NULL
FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
FormHelper::$tags = array
FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL
FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object
$html   =       HtmlHelper
HtmlHelper::$tags = array
HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array
HtmlHelper::$__includedScripts = array
HtmlHelper::$_scriptBlockOptions = array
HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array
HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL
HtmlHelper::$base = "/merry_flowers"
HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/merry_flowers/"
HtmlHelper::$theme = NULL
HtmlHelper::$here = "/merry_flowers/"
HtmlHelper::$params = array
HtmlHelper::$action = "display"
HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL
HtmlHelper::$data = NULL
HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL
HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
$session        =       SessionHelper
SessionHelper::$helpers = array
SessionHelper::$__active = true
SessionHelper::$valid = false
SessionHelper::$error = false
SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "af68519437971d9fba6217ccb9c690fc"
SessionHelper::$path = "/"
SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL
SessionHelper::$security = "medium"
SessionHelper::$time = 1304005613
SessionHelper::$sessionTime = 1304017613
SessionHelper::$cookieLifeTime = false
SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array
SessionHelper::$id = NULL
SessionHelper::$host = NULL
SessionHelper::$timeout = NULL
SessionHelper::$base = "/merry_flowers"
SessionHelper::$webroot = "/merry_flowers/"
SessionHelper::$here = "/merry_flowers/"
SessionHelper::$params = array
SessionHelper::$action = "display"
SessionHelper::$data = NULL
SessionHelper::$theme = NULL
SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL
$page   =       "home"
$subpage        =       null
$title_for_layout       =       "Home"include - APP\views\pages\home.ctp, line 
View::_render() - CORE\cake\libs\view\view.php, line 731
View::render() - CORE\cake\libs\view\view.php, line 426
Controller::render() - CORE\cake\libs\controller\controller.php, line
PagesController::display() - APP\controllers\pages_controller.php,
line 82
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 204
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 171
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 83
Fatal error: Call to a member function renderSwf() on a non-object in
C:\wamp\www\merry_flowers\views\pages\home.ctp on line 26

any help is appreciated! :)

On Apr 27, 8:19 pm, Ryan Schmidt <google-2...@ryandesign.com> wrote:
> On Apr 26, 2011, at 20:52,varaiwrote:
> > Does anyone know on how to embed an swf file in myfolder/views/pages/
> > home.ctp?
> > I tried the following embed stmt and it is not working:
> > <div id="content1">
> > <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
> > codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/
> > swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="550" height="300"
> > title="introductory animation">
> >    <param name="movie" value="main_ani.swf" />
> >    <param name="quality" value="high" />
> >    <embed src="main_ani.swf" width="550" height="300" quality="high"
> > pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer";
> > type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
> > </object></div>
> Define "not working".
> Can you access main_ani.swf directly in your web browser?
> > I also tried the following after reading
> >http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/alkemann/2008/11/25/flashhelper-a-...
> > <?php echo $this->renderSwf('main_ani.swf',530,300,'content1'); ?>
> > and I'm getting the error below
> > Fatal error: Call to undefined method View::renderSwf() in C:\wamp\www
> > \merry_flowers\views\pages\home.ctp on line 25
> > I couldn't find the renderSwf helper as stated in the link above in C:
> > \wamp\www\cakephp\cake\libs\view\helpers
> I haven't read that tutorial, but I just skimmed it, and it doesn't say to 
> call $this->renderSwf; it says to call $flash->renderSwf.
> > By the way, does anyone know on where to store swf files in cakephp
> > projects?
> Presumably wherever you like, under the webroot.

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