We hit the same issue today. It's due to the --app parameter not working in the 
bake script. A fix can be found on git hub which you can patch or just revert 
to 1.3.7 and wait for the official fix release. 

Mike Karthauser
Brightstorm limited
Tel: 07939252144

On 5 May 2011, at 18:47, Emad <emad.naj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am having trouble baking using 1.3.8. Below are the steps i was
> taking. There seems to be include file issue. I then tried the same
> with 1.3.7 and everything worked as expected.
> Thanks,
> Emad
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> vp2c01b-dhcp53:console emadnajeeb$ ./cake -app /Library/WebServer/
> Documents/uap/downloads bake
> Welcome to CakePHP v1.3.8 Console
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> App : /Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads
> Path: /Library/WebServer/Documents/uap//Library/WebServer/Documents/
> uap/downloads
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> What is the full path for this app including the app directory name?
> Example:/Library/WebServer/Documents/uap//Library/WebServer/Documents/
> uap/downloads/myapp
> [/Library/WebServer/Documents/uap//Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/
> downloads/myapp] > /Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads
> Bake Project
> Skel Directory: /Library/WebServer/third-party/frameworks/cake/console/
> templates/skel
> Will be copied to: /Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Look okay? (y/n/q)
> [y] > y
> Do you want verbose output? (y/n)
> [n] >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Created: downloads in /Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Creating file /Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads/views/pages/
> home.ctp
> Wrote `/Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads/views/pages/
> home.ctp`
> Welcome page created
> Random hash key created for 'Security.salt'
> Random seed created for 'Security.cipherSeed'
> CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH set to /Library/WebServer/third-party/
> frameworks in webroot/index.php
> CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH set to /Library/WebServer/third-party/
> frameworks in webroot/test.php
> Remember to check these value after moving to production server
> Your database configuration was not found. Take a moment to create
> one.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Database Configuration:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Name:
> [default] >
> Driver: (db2/firebird/mssql/mysql/mysqli/odbc/oracle/postgres/sqlite/
> sybase)
> [mysql] > mysqli
> Persistent Connection? (y/n)
> [n] >
> Database Host:
> [localhost] >
> Port?
> [n] >
> User:
> [root] >
> Password:
>> test
> Database Name:
> [cake] > downloads
> Table Prefix?
> [n] >
> Table encoding?
> [n] > utf8
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> The following database configuration will be created:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Name:         default
> Driver:       mysqli
> Persistent:   false
> Host:         localhost
> User:         root
> Pass:         ********
> Database:     downloads
> Encoding:     utf8
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Look okay? (y/n)
> [y] >
> Do you wish to add another database configuration?
> [n] >
> Creating file /Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads/config/
> database.php
> Wrote `/Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads/config/database.php`
> vp2c01b-dhcp53:console emadnajeeb$ ./cake -app /Library/WebServer/
> Documents/uap/downloads bake model
> Welcome to CakePHP v1.3.8 Console
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> App : /Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads
> Path: /Library/WebServer/Documents/uap//Library/WebServer/Documents/
> uap/downloads
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> PHP Warning:  include_once(/Library/WebServer/Documents/uap//Library/
> WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads/config/database.php): failed to open
> stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/third-party/
> frameworks/cake-1.3.8/libs/model/connection_manager.php on line 23
> Warning: include_once(/Library/WebServer/Documents/uap//Library/
> WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads/config/database.php): failed to open
> stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/third-party/
> frameworks/cake-1.3.8/libs/model/connection_manager.php on line 23
> PHP Warning:  include_once(): Failed opening '/Library/WebServer/
> Documents/uap//Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads/config/
> database.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /
> Library/WebServer/third-party/frameworks/cake-1.3.8/libs/model/
> connection_manager.php on line 23
> Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/Library/WebServer/Documents/
> uap//Library/WebServer/Documents/uap/downloads/config/database.php'
> for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /Library/WebServer/
> third-party/frameworks/cake-1.3.8/libs/model/connection_manager.php on
> line 23
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Bake Model
> Path: /Library/WebServer/Documents/uap//Library/WebServer/Documents/
> uap/downloads/models/
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Database Configuration:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Name:
> [default] > ^C
> vp2c01b-dhcp53:console emadnajeeb$
> -- 
> Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
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> Check out the new CakePHP Questions site http://ask.cakephp.org and help 
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Check out the new CakePHP Questions site http://ask.cakephp.org and help others 
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