
One simple way you could do this:

Query Surveys to get the full set of possibles.
Query SurveysUsers to get the completed set for the user.

As you output the choices to the web page, loop through the full set
array and check each one to see if it also exists in the completed set
array. If yes, make grey. If no, make link (or whatever).


On May 5, 2:15 pm, Dwayne Hanekamp <dwaynehanek...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm currently building a webapplication on which people fill in
> surveys. My problem currently: I want surveys which are already filled
> in to show up grey. I have two database tables: Surveys / SurveysUsers
> in the first one are all the available surveys. In the second are all
> records about surveys which users filled in. My problem currently:
> Combining both tables with eachother to filter out the surveys which
> the current user already filled in.
> I've tried to search an answer for it but its kinda complex to google
> something like this. I hope you guys can help me out!
> Cheers,
> Dwayne

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