On 6 Mag, 08:19, Ryan Schmidt <google-2...@ryandesign.com> wrote:
> On May 5, 2011, at 15:16, Mariano C. wrote:
> > function beforeFilter()
> > {
> >        parent::beforeFilter();
> >        $this->Auth->allow(array('showTables'));
> > }
> > When i callhttp://...../showTables/season_id:1for the first time I
> > will be redirect to the login page. Now if I 
> > rewritehttp://...../showTables/season_id:1
> > for the second time the action will be showed (without insert user and
> > password).
> Check the documentation. $this->Auth->allow() does not accept an array.
> http://book.cakephp.org/view/1257/allow

Removed the array notation, but problem still persist.
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