To me it appears totally random. Opening a page in another browser
helps just as much as going to the bathroom and back. Trying a
thousand times also seems to be a solution most of the times. Been
fighting with this bug for 2 days and I feel like forgetting about
cakePHP altogether, to be honest (besides wanting to hit my keyboard
against the walls, that is). I've got it open in Chrome, Firefox, IE8,
Opera and Safari, and switching from one to another when I get tired
of trying with the current one. Worst is: it works.

500 errors are the worst. They kinda say "something's wrong but I got
no clue what". Somebody fix it while I still got some hair in my head,
thanks in advance.

On 18 abr, 19:28, Veraxus <> wrote:
> I think I sort of figured it out. Viewing the pages in Chrome or Opera gave
> me a 500 error. But if opened the webpage in Firefox or Safari, it worked.
> More strangely, if I then tried the same web page in one of the
> aforementioned "problem" browsers *again*, it now worked. Any page currently
> "broken" remains broken until I visit the page in Firefox first, then it
> miraculously works in everything.
> I guess I'll just use Firefox when I need to look at the cookbook, but this
> is by far one of the most bizarre things I've seen.

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