Why not just cache your data instead of the view? Caching the view is
pretty much just stepping in its place.

On May 31, 10:24 am, dreamingmind <dreamingmin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jeremy,
> Yes, another layer... seems a bit crazy. It looks like their may be
> more bits and pieces of unique code sprinkled into your pages than I
> imagined. None the less, a couple more thoughts?
> - A new route could override the basic controller/action/params
> pattern and funnel everything to your accumulator controller/action
> while still passing along the controller/action/params that are needed
> to fully inform the process.
> - Or maybe your component just needs to be extended a bit to do the
> necessary additional portioning-out of tasks
> Either way seems in line with cake philosophy.
> - I've had some success with shipping html into php's XML/DOM
> manipulators 
> (http://us.php.net/manual/en/refs.xml.phphttp://us.php.net/manual/en/domdocument.loadhtml.php)
>  and that has
> sometimes made it very easy to swap an entire div in or out of a page.
> It's also given me ways of walking through the DOM in php to make all
> sorts of fussy page tweaks. This just moves the javascripty way
> manipulating pages into your component, action or helper.
> - Possibly a final helper could be fed the cached and dynamic chunks
> for assembly into your final cach-namic page. That would be a pretty
> cake-y way to go.
> I'm excited about this plan! Especially since I don't have to write
> it!
> Don
> On May 31, 8:54 am, Jeremy Burns | Class Outfit
> <jeremybu...@classoutfit.com> wrote:
> > Hmmm...nice thinking and I appreciate your reply, but it sounds like it's 
> > derailing Cake somehow. This happens on every page view so I'd effectively 
> > be putting another layer in there.
> > A bit more background...
> > The component scans $this->params and takes into account a number of 
> > factors like is the user logged in, are they an administrator, do they 
> > perform some other sort of role, where are they in the system, what menu 
> > items should have the 'selected' class and so on. It produces a keyed array 
> > (e.g. main, sub-1, sub-2, user [log in/log out/logged in as etc] and so 
> > on). The array is passed to the view as a variable. The default.ctp layout 
> > contains an element that parses each key and renders output.
> > Currently it's called in app_controller/beforeRender() but this is now 
> > being bypassed when the view is cached. It is, by it's nature, very 
> > dynamic. It can't easily be created in full in advance and placed in 
> > session because, for example, a user could log in and then log out.
> > Jeremy Burns
> > Class Outfit
> > jeremybu...@classoutfit.com
> > (t) +44 (0) 208 123 3822
> > (m) +44 (0) 7973 481949
> > Skype: jeremy_burnshttp://www.classoutfit.com
> > On 31 May 2011, at 15:58, dreamingmind wrote:
> > > Jeremy,
> > > I don't know details of how to accomplish this, but it seems like
> > > you're going to have to call another non-cached action instead of the
> > > action you want. It will:
> > > - call the navigation engine to get an html fragment of your menus
> > > - call the desired action and get the page rendering
> > > - plug the menus into the page and send it to the browser
> > > or
> > > - send the menu out as a string that javascript can insert in the page
> > > once it loads
> > > Does this seem possible?
> > > Regards,
> > > Don
> > > On May 31, 5:44 am, Jeremy Burns <jeremybu...@classoutfit.com> wrote:
> > >> I've raised a similar question before but got no responses, so I'll
> > >> try something more specific.
> > >> I have an application that is pretty dynamic. With no caching turned
> > >> on there is a lag of around 2 seconds before anything happens, and
> > >> then it all zips in really quickly. If I blanket enable view caching
> > >> (enabling cache in core.php, adding the Cache helper to app_controller
> > >> and setting cacheAction to +1hour) the lag disappears, response is
> > >> fantastic but the results are (understandably) terrible as nothing is
> > >> dynamic.
> > >> If I move the cache setting from app_controller into specific actions
> > >> I start to get better results. It's a pretty big app, so that's going
> > >> to take a lot of time and testing to do correctly. However, I have a
> > >> particular problem that I need to solve before I put in the effort.
> > >> I have a navigation component that reads $this->params, sets up some
> > >> variables that are passed through the controller and rendered in an
> > >> element (that also has a nested element):
> > >> function beforeRender() {
> > >>             $this->set('menus', $this->Navigation->menus($this->params));
> > >> I have placed <cake:nocache></cake:nocache> blocks in the elements.
> > >> Reading the Cake on line book:
> > >> "It should be noted that once an action is cached, the controller
> > >> method for the action will not be called - otherwise what would be the
> > >> point of caching the page. Therefore, it is not possible to wrap
> > >> <cake:nocache> </cake:nocache> around variables which are set from the
> > >> controller as they will be null."
> > >> As every page contains the navigation code, it would seem that I
> > >> cannot pass the menus variable down. Subsequent rendering of the
> > >> navigation (when the contents have changed) delivers lots of
> > >> 'Undefined index' errors as the variables are indeed missing. This is
> > >> especially so when a user logs in and then logs, which generates
> > >> different menu content.
> > >> Can anyone suggest a work around for this?
> > > --
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